Thursday Sep 19, 2024

Conquer Campus Life with Top Tech

Conquer Campus Life with Top Tech (Family Features) Make each day in the classroom or lecture hall an educational success with technology that makes learning more enjoyable and managing all of life’s little details easier. From wearables that keep you connected to gadgets that encourage creativity, get educated about this season’s top technology to take […]

Safe Summer Fun

(Family Features) Longer days and lighter schedules make summer perfect for relaxing, having fun outdoors and spending time with loved ones. However, more physical activity and time spent in the sun can also translate to increased health and safety risks. As you and your family enjoy the warmth and sunshine while swimming, biking, grilling, playing […]

Sipping on Summertime Sweets

(Family Features) When it’s summertime and you crave something cold and fruity, try using your favorite frozen fruit for a refreshing drink.   For example, strawberries with frozen pink lemonade concentrate combine to make a spritzer recipe worth sharing. This fizzy Strawberry Spritzer can delight your taste buds and keep you quenched while enjoying the […]

Take Summer Grilling to New Heights with a Versatile Veggie

(Family Features) The fresh flavor of favorite foods pulled hot off the grill makes summer cookouts a treasured pastime for families across the country. This year, you can make new memories at those backyard barbecues by keeping in mind that grilling isn’t only about charred burgers and steaks – delicious, grilled vegetables can be just […]

Shifting Wellness Attitudes Shape 2022 Fitness Trends

(Family Features) In adjusting to the constraints of the pandemic, many Americans had to improvise where and how they work out. After months of adapting to a “gym anywhere” mentality and learning to accommodate more flexible workout schedules, this new fitness mindset is inspiring some larger trends for healthier living. “We’ve learned that wellness is […]

5 Tips for Traveling Amid COVID-19

(Family Features) The spread of new COVID-19 variants and lower vaccination rates in developing countries continue to impact the ability to move freely throughout the world. For travelers eager to venture out, Expedia Group recommends these traveling guidelines to help slow the spread of COVID-19 so the world can truly open again: 1. Mask up […]

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