Everyone has been talking about the brutal winter we are having. check out the top 10 coldest days in Columbus. Weather temperature records in the city of Columbus, Ohio have been officially kept since 1878. Here is a list of the ten coldest weather temperature days in Columbus, Ohio history since 1878. There are actually 12 days listed due to ties.
Out of the 12 coldest weather temperatures in Columbus weather history, 9 days occurred in January which is the coldest month of the year in Columbus, Ohio. Two days occurred in February which is the 2nd coldest month of the year and one day occurred in December the 3rd coldest month.
The coldest weather temperature ever recorded in Columbus, Ohio is -22 degrees which occurred on January 19, 1994. Columbus, Ohio has had over 45 days since 1872 when the temperature dropped to -10 degrees or colder.
When was the last really cold day in Columbus, Ohio? That was on February 24, 2015, when the temperature dropped to -11 degrees.
Ten Coldest Weather Temperature Days Ever Recorded in Columbus, Ohio
T-1. -22 degrees on January 19, 1994
T-2. -20 degrees on January 3, 1879
T-2. -20 degrees on January 6, 1884
T-2. -20 degrees on February 10, 1899
T-5. -19 degrees on January 20, 1985
T-5. -19 degrees on January 17, 1977
T-7. -17 degrees on December 22, 1989
T-7. -17 degrees on January 18, 1994
T-7. -17 degrees on February 9, 1899
T-10. -16 degrees on January 21, 1985
T-10. -16 degrees on January 22, 1936
T-10. -16 degrees on January 5, 1884
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